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Song of 7

This is music for synthetic piano and some bells and strings.  The synthetic piano might come from a Yamaha Motif synthesizer, which doesn’t sound bad.  Or the piano might be generated out of Csound to get something different.  In this case, it’s Csound. I have to think of a genre description for this music because …

A Stairway in the Mind’s Eye

When is it ok to break the rules of music composition? That’s not an easy question, because you have to know what those rules are. Or at least you have to think you know what they are. For example, for sequencer music the rule seems to be that you turn on a music sequencer, turn …

A Music Synthesizer Journey

I became interested in music synthesizers in the 1970’s, when Keith Emerson of the rock group Emerson, Lake, and Palmer used the Moog synthesizer on their albums. I couldn’t afford to buy a Moog synthesizer. In the 1970’s they were as expensive as a new car (they might still be).  So I thought I could …

A Hidden Galaxy

New Age music is, or was, a genre that became big in the 1990’s, and it seems to have faded now into the background of the list of genres. But New Age is one incarnation of a larger world that includes descriptions like ambience, space music, soundscapes, among other more creative names. It grew out …